
THE CHILDREN EXPRESS is the Leading weekly newspaper in India. It is committed to providing the outstanding, the current and the details of knowledge.  India’s first comprehensive weekly targeted at and dedicated to the student’s community as a whole. As the tagline (A passage to India Next) suggests, the mission is to let the students (and thereby all stakeholders of the school ecosystem) set out on a journey to build a new country, which is social, culturally, educationally much stronger. The weekly tabloid is very carefully designed and developed in a way so as to help students gain precious information and knowledge, complementing their school education and thereby move to the next level. We are pleased to inform you that we are going with not only with English or Hindi but also maximum regional Languages ( MARATHI, BANGLA,  GUJARATI, URDU).

Over the year it has helped to introduce all research paper in different fields of education which will help to our young generation for finding education. Also, generate all types of competitive and fictions books with extraordinary knowledge.

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